Project list as of July 2020:
Plant approximately 3 live oak trees to replace the dying water oaks, subject to consultation with Mr. Berry, County, and HMI board.
County arborist inspection of one oak near pavilion. Ms. P. Fletcher. Done. County will monitor.
Replace Daurer Center roof.
Remove dirt mound on east side of park. Thank you Dr. Joe! Done, December 2019.
Centipede grass at bathroom and perimeter. Spread two pounds in April of 2018 near the new bathroom.
Fix Al and Gloria Burt brick pedestal. Done. Completed by Parks & Rec. Dept.
Put chemicals in fountain to kill algae. This is done quarterly or when needed. Drained and cleaned fountain in June, 2020.
Quarterly weed spray near bricks.
Periodic sprinkler head repair.
Gifts of appreciation to park supporters.
Repairs to Daurer History Center windows, light fixture, etc. Done. March 2019
Fund raiser event for HMI and Heritage park. TBD.
Repair valves near well. Done. Completed by Parks & Rec. Dept.
Track lighting inside Daurer Center.
Repair critter fence/lattice under Daurer Center and Homemaker’s Club. Done. December 2019.
Inspect floor under refrigerator at Homemaker’s Club.
Repair broken ramp at Homemaker’s Club and restore railing. Done. December 2019.
Restore and paint Daurer Center sign. Done.
Rehabilitate letter-sign in Heritage Park. In work.
Remove dead oak tree on west side. Completed by County.
Inventory, archive, and preserve HMI documents and Daurer photographs. In work.
Research and draft text for historical marker at Banana, FL. In work by QI Roberts History and Archaeology Club.
Update Community Market sign for Farmer’s Market. In work.
Renew 2020-2021 contract with mower for St. John the Fisherman cemetery in Earleton, FL. Done.
Purchase twenty signs for Home Tour yards, “Ticket Sales” sign, and 3×6 ft vinyl sign. Done.