Please join us for a speaker program and book signing, Sunday, January 28, 2024, 2 pm to 3:30 pm, Homemaker’s Club. Corner of Centre and Park streets. Melrose’s own Phil Eschbach will share stories from Spires in the Sun, written by Jonathan Rich and photographs by Phil Eschbach. Free to attend. Light refreshments will be served.
We look forward to purchasing an autographed copy and hearing about Melrose Trinity Episcopal Church, too.
Spires in the Sun, a captivating and richly illustrated history of the Carpenter Gothic churches built by the Episcopal Church in Florida in the 1800s, will be available on Amazon.com, in bookstores, and from the publisher (www.beil.com).
Spires in the Sun is available for pre-order from St. John’s Cathedral Bookstore & Gift Shop at: https://www.jaxcathedralbooks.org/spires-in-the-sun-the-carpenter-gothic-episcopal-churches-of-florida/
Other key HMI dates: Banana mill site cleanup, Saturday January 13, 2024 9-11 am Florida historic marker dedication for Banana, Florida (TBD, awaiting sign manufacturing) Field trip to Mandarin History Museum, March 2, Saturday adventure! Possibly with a talk by the historic Maple Leaf divers who discovered Civil War artifacts in the St. John’s River. First Saturday of the month is when Historic Mandarin Store and Post Office are open